Album: Poplr WestNorth

Imagine the Pacific Northwest. But not the go-to rainy one. Imagine it in the summer time on the Olympic Peninsula, far from cities and people. Quiet in terms of man-made stuff, but full-to-the-brim with sounds in terms of waves crashing; snow melt water running in the rivers; birds calling; bees buzzing; things you cannot see rustling in the leaves. The days are long and bright and clear and everything seems to be kind of glowing. The sun is warm on your skin and the breeze is cool. And the sky is as blue as it can possibly be. And there are gulls and bald eagles and ospreys and birds you don’t know the names of. And what you’re pretty sure are otter tracks in the sand. And banana slugs on logs. And wildflowers bursting out of the bright mountainsides. And rocks you’re itching to climb on. And snow on the far-off peaks. And the greenest, blue-est, clearest, coldest water in the alpine lakes that pull you towards them somehow and you can’t decide whether you should jump in or drink out of them or both because it has to be the most refreshing thing in the entire world. And there is super green forest where the ground is soft and kind. And when you come to the edge of the forest, you’re at the ocean and it’s all glittering and fizzing and enticing. And you can’t believe all these different landscapes are crammed together in this one relatively small place. And the sun doesn’t set until like 930 and when it does, it does so all deep orange and purple behind the sea stacks. And even tho it’s all exciting and thrilling, it makes you feel calm and centered. Then imagine that had a gentle soundtrack that’s all friendly guitar and sparkly glockenspiel.

Fun fact: that’s not a picture of trees superimposed over the main album cover - it’s sand. It’s a picture of the beach where the waves and tide have gone out. But it looks like trees.

Written, produced and performed by Robert Higgs

Recorded at Blanket Fort Studio

Mixed and Mastered by RH

Released 2024 by Bird Band Recordings
